24 comments on dj_dim-mak /\ just one touch by dj_dim-mak

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Get the Blessing and Dining Rooms are probably my favorite beat jazz acts!

@RabidRod me too. I have to thank @Btrxz for turning me on to them in his mixes. Right now, I'm just starting to go down the rabbit hole of 70s era african jazz. so much beautiful music there.

@dj_dim-mak Birdman´s OST is awesome!

@dj_dim-mak Loved the 8 tracks I was able to listen. Finished at FlyLo. And awesome gig btw. I´m having this problem (due to geoblocking probably) where in 90% of the mixes I play I can´t listen to the full mix. I´ve already reported it to Sam.

@RabidRod goddamn that geoblocking is so annoying. I've noticed that since it started I barely get any plays on a lot of mixes. must be really annoying for those on your side of the pond.

Honestly I love jazz only in small doses. But I have a really good time. BTW: You see ? I have my badge :-D

@Sowat? glad you have the badge and thanks so much for taking time to check this one out, even if jazz isn't always your thing. I was going for more experimental and psychedelic approaches to jazz, the traditional standards can definitely get boring after a while. thanks again my friend!

@dj_dim-mak I am pretty quickly tired of hearing the old standards but your approach was interesting. And the cover gif really appropriate
