Frankenmartin, indeed
Is this playlist safe for work?

No. Because you're right. I don't look back. I can't. But the last time I was dying, I looked back on all of you. Every single one. And I was so proud.


Twenty eight tracks that could probably quite maybe might be possibly somehow the most severely somewhat amazingly resolutely done fan-picked season ending send-off for The Doctor. Included, in this mix is also what happens to be just what just might just be music by but by far by no means limited to such artists and such bands such as Sparklehorse + Fennesz, Black Moth Super Rainbow and Ween.

28 tracks
5 comments on No. Because you're right. I don't look back. I can't. But the last time I was dying, I looked back on all of you. Every single one. And I was so proud.

I've listened to a few of your mixes and they sometimes have a bit too much metal in them for my taste, but this one was really good — a great blend of classic rock, dramatic operaish songs, and newer music.

Good job! :)

Yyyyeeeah... I try my best to highlight it but limiting it to five genre tags just doesn't help me at all convey the whole magnitude of things to hear, I mean I'm no genre-taggin-junkie (99% of the time I let the 14,556+-and-counting possible tracks that could be heard to be picked randomly by the CAIDIS; I'm the kind of guy that can go from listening to Leadbelly to Cannibal Corpse without batting an eye) cause I love so much, but I can easily find like 6 or 7 different veins just of ambient metal in my ♫:\Drive let alone all the different kinds of jazz I listen to and forget about saying "60's music" for the most part cause that's like what, everything made from the 60's hahahaa! I've been building another whovian mix as well as the CAIDIS plays random tracks from it's vaults for me, the next one seems that it will be more eccentric and comically cooky but just as ominous and foreboding.
The Doctor Who mix with the pic of the TARDIS calling the cellphone, that one is more brighter I think of all the whovian mixes I've made.
Thanks for your thoughts!

ohhh dear... i'm adding my own vocals to the richard clayderman tune... it ain't pretty. this mix is though... cheers, sir :)

eheh, I mumble lots to all of the instrumental music I listen to also so go for it! So have you shat and jaw-dropped into a fan yet of The Shat?? It's like if it was Berry instead of Frost in Hyperdrive, for that Sci-Fi edge, but 40 years from now. I can't wait for his Black Sabbath tribute stuff to finish lol! "Iam....i-ron....maaahn!...." sorry bout the mix length, I hate super short ones, go for it, ya know?? Even made my own vortex for this mix from one of my photos.
1)Do you guys over there like Charlie Brooker as much as I do?! Even if only half of his material is his I think he's spot the fuck on.
2)Have/will they ever release the half made S5 of the SJA? Me thinks Clyde & especially Rani should become companions but whatevs.
3)Whats an asbo?

I do love a bit of Shat.... I had no idea about the Sabbath tribute, that is frickin amazing..! And, man... the mix length is just fine... especially when you've got a theme or concept as worthy as this. I may have to attempt my own mix based on the last series at some point... although, that seems to be quite a popular thing to do lately - @mmmmmike and @desuka have both made Who mixes in the last coupla days. Or maybe I've just settled right into a bunch of 8trx nerds :)
I'm properly impressed with your Hyperdrive reference... I have a particular love for The Actor Kevin Eldon... but the Berry ref. went over my head (who?) as so many things do.
Okay - 1) Brooker is loved by me... and many others, but is probably loathed in equal amounts - very much the human Marmite. Spot the fuck on indeed... Personally, I think he's a cantankerous, bug-eyed genius. Can you believe that such a grumpy shit married a children's tv presenter?!
2) speaking of kids tv, they've just showed the very last ep. of SJA from season 5 yesterday... I'm a bit behind with my SJA, so I've no idea how they worked it. Might watch it online later. Don't think Clyde and Rani would work with Doctor 11 though.
3) it's an antisocial behaviour order... generally given to minors who've been causing trouble... it is supposed to deter them from repeating the antisocial shenanigans by threatening them with more serious punishment if they break the terms, but really it's become a badge of honour amongst the feral youth.
wow... looooong and booooring comment, sorry 'bout that.

Ahhh, okay, I was on that too but here we call it PINS (Person In Need of Supervision) like juvee probation Long sentences are good, better actually in my eye. Both eyes really. Matt Berry from Snuff Box/Boosh/IT Crowd, I love his music too. Aw ewww, wiki makes marmite sound gross as all fuck!! Lemme know when you do make that mix, I'll more than likely dig it too (I don't face-book and suchlike so kinda hard to do the follows thing but if you happen to be a fellow stumbler you can forward mixes to me) and I'll go listen to those others' you mentioned now as I get drunk and laugh at feminist blogs. Nonetheless, till the next time, ta!
