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modly in luv


I was born too late. I know I shoulda grown up in 60s & 70s England. I'm in luv with the music, fashion, & culture back then & there. If it was 1972, and I was makin' out with my cute mod boyfriend in my bedroom, these are the tunes that I'd want to pop up on my radio or turntable. A mix of some mod, psychedelic, heavy dose of rocksteady, and tinge of glam. With Desmond Dekker, The Equals, Hot Chocolate, and more!! Have a listen, luv! Xoxo & Happy Valentine's!

14 tracks
1 comment on modly in luv

Love it! This is not stuff I usually get into on a regular basis, but I don't know reminds me of my childhood and listening to this stuff on the radio when I played in the backyard, and the beach, and laying in the back of the car on long car trips, and just having fun and no worries. :-)

michelle, I'm sorry for my late response here. I pop in and out of 8tracks from time to time. Thanks for your kind compliment. I'm so happy I could take you back to carefree, innocent, sweet fun times!! made me smile ;)
