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Anarcho Folk Punk? Yes please. 3!!!


Made another mix of folk and songs of similar tastes. Got some tracks from Mischief Brew(New Record!), Evil Robot Us', and Mark Lind. If you have any bands to suggest to me, please, please tell me! I'm always looking for new bands to listen to!

9 tracks
3 comments on Anarcho Folk Punk? Yes please. 3!!!

Hadn't heard of Evil Robot Us', I like it. Some other Anarcho folk punk bands I like are defiance ohio, tom frampton, armed metropolis, pat the bunny, blackbird raum, asking for it, Northern Aggression, whiskey smile, this bike is a pipe bomb, Erik Petersen's (mischief brew) solo stuff, the taxpayers, andrew jackson jihad is alright in my opinion but he is pretty popular it seems,....(A)

I'm honestly not the biggest fan of Andrew Jackson Jihad but he has some really fun songs which is primarily why I listen to him.

Thanks for the bands, I'm always looking for new bands to listen to. I'll have to check them out.
