15 comments on The History of Jazz: Long Version by gay

An amazing compilation; the time and work put into this has come out very well! Can I ask what sources and histories you used for your programming - I'd like to read further!

@Metaphorical Naming I've been studying jazz history, both in school and independently, many many years. I used to go through a lot of library books back in the day, including a great out of print Bix Beiderbecke biography, but now in the age of Google and Amazon the info is much easier to get! Here a couple books that you may find interesting: "Visions of Jazz: The First Century "-- Gary Giddins. "Hear Me Talkin' To Ya, the Story of Jazz As Told By the Men Who Made It" -- Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff. These two writers were embedded in the jazz scene of the day, in 1955, and they had access to all of the great musicians for interviews that supplied an incredible wealth of material. Try some of these and also browse Amazon for books on your favorite artists. Thanks and cheers....

Hear Me Talkin' To Ya, the Story of Jazz As Told By the Men Who Made It -- Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff

Brilliant mix, well done, this playlist pays the right tribute the the roots of Jazz, wonderfully melting African and American sounds, rhythms, souls and blood. Love it! S.

@marolles Thank you so much for that great compliment! You perfectly articulated exactly what my goal was in developing this mix! Much appreciated and please enjoy my other mixes as well. All the best!

I'm only on the first track but im already so excited about this playlist!! thank you for compiling these songs, i look forward to learning more about jazz music :) what a fantastic idea!

Thank you so much, tastingsound, I appreciate it! I guess it's pretty obvious I'm a history buff. I love doing research and this was a fun and interesting compilation to do! I am currently working on "History of Rock & Roll" and I was able to obtain a lot of rare and obscure singles on top of the usual hits, and it will be so comprehensive that there will be 5 year increments in each volume! Hope you can check those mixes out also. Have a great day and thanks again! Best regards!

I love history as well, which is why i was so happy to find this mix - im always looking to learn more about the roots of any kind of music! i'll be sure to check your your Rock & Roll collection as well, sounds awesome :) have a good day!

Thanks again and I am delighted to hear that great feedback! I appreciate it. It's my pleasure. Have a great day and a beautiful and fun holiday weekend! Cheers!

Thanks so much, mooneken, I really appreciate it! This was truly a labor of love! I am looking forward to making a condensed version soon. The biggest challenge is - how do you put over 100 years of amazing music into a 90 minute mix? I will hopefully be able to meet the challenge! Thanks again and please check out my other mixes and enjoy! Best wishes and regards!

This is high quality and musically edifying. Thanks so much for this! Also check out my playlist called Music History. It is a summary of European classical music.

Thanks, Thomas, I appreciate it! Yes, would love to listen to your Music History playlist! Thank you and have a great day!

Thanks very much, sinsko, very glad you enjoyed it! I am also going to assemble a short version of this which will feature 2 songs from each historical step. It will be a huge challenge to do the short version, I'm sure, since there are so many amazing songs from each step! Pleae follow and watch for that release! All the best, sinsko!
