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2 comments on Time reverse

hello! first of all i'd like to tell you how much i loved this soundtrack. beautiful music, well-chosen tracks ... listening to it just after having finished the season was a wonderful experience, like prolonging the feeling and the atmosphere of the last episode through music. the only thing that vexes me is that i would like to get my hands the song "forgivness" by summer fades away but cannot find it anywhere. do you happen to know where i could purchase it, by any chance?

@mizogoi Hello! I'm glad you liked the mix. About the song, it's taken from an EP named "Unkind time, beautiful memory", from 2011. I am afraid I can't help you with that (it's not availablre in their Bandcamp site, it seems). Maybe you can find it around the Internet somewhere? Thank you for your kind comment, it's very appreciated!
