Is this playlist safe for work?

.static stress.


Raw energy into your brain.
Is it positive ? is it negative ? even after a thousand plays i can't tell exactly. I guess the choice is yours only.

I crafted the mix so that it starts colourful and finishes in shades of grey and red.
Also, this might not be your usual easy-listening mix. Some of the titles might invade your soul and take much much place in it until you're so damn full of them that you can't even talk. Some others might as well pass over your ears as a breeze would do. I believe it doesn't influence your mood, but only amplifies it. And i can tell you, sometimes it's scary how far the amplification goes in my case...

.last edited 05/09/15: total redesign of the mix, hope you'll find it better :)
.original art by Tetsuya Ishida.

9 tracks
1 comment on .static stress.

@nerd-study Thanks for the kind words :) haven't uploaded nor edited anything for months, but hopefully i'll get back to working on more playlists soon. Unfortunately, since 8tracks has changed it's policy regarding music uploads from non-US country, i don't know what i will be able to do...
