Is this playlist safe for work?

It's called a WORKout for a reason


none of this acoustic rock, or gangster rap 'workout' music. I dont go to the gym to take instagram photos or to polish my 9". If you like upbeat tracks to get you through that last set or push you that extra mile this is for you.
Also, I am usually against people linking playlists in the comments but if you find a good similar playlist, post it in the comments!

-I will be adding more songs once i figure out how to get some music off my ipod nano.

27 tracks
6 comments on It's called a WORKout for a reason

I hunt for playlists like it's my job on the internet. This is a brilliant mix. For me to pull 5 or more songs or versions I've never heard in a playlist out of only 29 songs is unheard of. My next project is to sift through all of your other playlists. Nice work!
