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Btrx: EvilLOVE: Jungle-Step-Dub Style


∑⌀ Aul: Lee Scratch Perry and The Mad Professor, Andrey HOT, & Mazaruni!

"No wez Rough, wez Tough- Raggamuff We don't bluff! Ahh warning should be enough. If itz not enough we come for you in time..." Andrey Hot- Sound Clash Business!

What is this EvilLove I speak of? I see it as the last resort weapon in our arsenal of LOVE. As a Warrior of LOVE! I do battle with evil everyday within myself mostly and externally. Ragga Music, Jungle, & Dub are rough relentless and deeply entrenched in the Battle for LOVE over Evil. These artist bring it! This EvilLOVE that goes head on direct and into the Frey and comes out victorious for us all. Does that make sense?

14 tracks
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