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discovering you


"Disciplines and constraints... liberate us only when they fit with the reality of our nature and capacities. A fish, because it absorbs oxygen from water rather than air, is only free if it is restricted and limited to water. If we put it out on the grass, its freedom to move and even live is not enhanced, but destroyed. The fish dies if we do not honor the reality of its nature... freedom is not so much the absence of restrictions as finding the right ones, the liberating ones." -Tim Keller

10 tracks
4 comments on discovering you

You had me at Needham! Lol seriously tho, played this at work and immediately the atmosphere changed at my work! Yay Holy Spirit! Anyway, love your obedience and your heart! You never know, this playlist could completely change someone's heart or be exactly what they need for some hope! I have hope and peace as I'm listening to these praises! I hope you are staying warm in this awesomely cold TX weather! Keep being a light :)

thank you. i am so grateful for your feedback. i know i shouldn't draw meaning or identity from the praise and criticism of others, but it's nice to know that there is someone benefiting from these mixes, not that it's much work to put them together. i'm glad we have access to such great music. and glad that it points to a good God. Bless you.

Music feeds the soul and when you create such mixes it plants seeds of love, faith and hope. You would never know when someone hears a song with just the right lyrics they need to soothe their hearts or give them strength. Be encouraged by those who uplift you and cast aside the negative criticisms of others. You are being led by a higher power. :) God bless you too.
