Is this playlist safe for work?


Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I can't quite pull the same marathon study sessions from my undergrad days. I need variety in my study locations (coffee shops, my couch, my friends' couches...), study buddies to keep me on track, and shorter, more palatable chunks of study time to keep me focused.

But some things don't change - like my mass consumption of tea, inability to keep organized notes, and unwavering love for studying with instrumental music.

Luxe, is an opulent, lavish and mysterious mix of instrumental scores and classical pieces. To all of you tackling exams, papers, and projects, best of luck!

30 tracks
11 comments on Luxe (View all)

You are my music soulmate.! Everything you publish speaks to me! Loved listening while I was undergrad, and still listening even while I work! Thank you!

@thepeachyone sorry for the late reply, but thanks for listening! I'm not studying as much anymore but music certainly helps me get through my work!

Your playlists have gotten me through college and now they're getting me through busy work days. Some things never change, like your impeccable taste and ability to put together lovely playlists. Thank you ~
