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a dream of paris


For her; the s o n g b i r d
who looked through all the doors
and set herself free.

Episode II: For them, a beginning; for her, an end - but she went with a smile.

Track list:

13 tracks
1 comment on a dream of paris

it's not often i find elizabeth mixes like this, it's absolutely perfect for her and exactly the way i envision music relating to her being!! my personal elizabeth mix is really similar to this, and tbh i couldn't even tell the difference when it switched over. it's like heaven, thank you so much for making this

@midna Oh, thank you!! I checked out your playlist and we do indeed have the same taste! A track came on and I thought, well, this sounds familiar... and it was Jóhann Jóhannsson! <3 Thank you for the kind comment ^^
