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wolves in the house


I kept thinking, if we could just make it out, if we could just survive, and get out and come back home then everything was gonna be alright. And then, we did. We're back. And I don't see a happy ending coming anytime soon. I really wish I did.

(a mix for spencer in the dollhouse: http://alisonhastings.tumblr.com/post/168019795643/wolves-in-the-house-a-mix-for-spencer-in-the)

8 tracks
1 comment on wolves in the house

goddd, what a mix tbh, every single song is a heavy hitter, christ, spence baby, god. silhouette of a dancer, wolves, that cover of animal i have become, and monsters, god monsters, “i am a garden in this fire” God spence, the dollhouse ruined something in all of them and that is such a perfect way to phrase it for spencer, and “monsters these monster, don’t fuck with my head” SPENCE GOD, and of course, ending with 101 vultures is just Deathly tbh, there’s no other way to put it, truly
