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Need to Study but Want to Dance


Groove without needing to move - open your ears for seven (nu) disco tracks including music by BigGigantic, Funkerman, and Jacob Goldsmith. Some hip hop tracks mixed in for when your bouncing butt cheeks need a break and the Biggie in you needs to vent.

15 tracks
1 comment on Need to Study but Want to Dance

Finding that perfect balance between the need to study and the urge to dance can be quite the challenge, especially when you come across a playlist that hits just the right note, making you want to groove instead of grind through your studies. Speaking of focus, if you find yourself in a situation where the beat gets too good and the statistics homework starts to seem like a distant echo, remember, help is just a few clicks away. For example, offers specialized assistance for your statistics assignments, ensuring that you can keep the groove going without compromising your academic responsibilities. Whether it's complex analysis, regression, hypothesis testing, or any other statistics challenge, their team of experts is ready to provide you with the support you need to ace your assignments. This way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds - keeping the vibe alive with your favorite tracks while ensuring your academic tasks are handled with precision and care.
