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[Obi-Wan Kenobi] faith


a tribute to my most favourite Jedi

forgiveness is
taking the knife out of your own back
and not using it
to hurt anyone else
no matter how
they hurt you

[hana malik, raw]

12 tracks
4 comments on [Obi-Wan Kenobi] faith

Wooow, I don't find often character playlists where I can personally connect every song to the character. But this is one of these playlists; awesome, very well done! :0

@Sarlyne Thank you so much! ♥ I know exactly what you mean, that feeling of hearing songs that just fit the character. Never imagined other people would feel that way about my playlists you have no idea how happily grinning I am right now :)

I love this playlist so much, thanks for sharing it! I think my favorite track on here is "The Thanks I Get" it just sounds like it was written by Obi-Wan for Anakin.
