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nouvelles lubies du promeneur solitaire


It's been a while... Here's a new mix with some krautrock, some stoner, some korean psych, some delta blues, some hawaiian guitars, some japanese shakuhachi and some 80's power pop, among other things.

Artwork : Mikhaïl Vroubel

13 tracks
3 comments on nouvelles lubies du promeneur solitaire

oh my goodness!!! i just listened to that faust track yesterday! an old fav! <3 crazy and awesome little mix (i mean, korean psych?!...)

@aunt13 Hi Auntie! Glad you liked the mix. I may have already told you, but I saw Faust in concert a few years ago, and it was one of the scariest experiences in my life!

@aunt13 Well, aI think it was in 2007 or 2008. At one point there was a chainsaw solo that ended up with the guy running like a lunatic into the audience with in chainsaw, like a character in a Tobe Hooper movie. I was really scared someone would get seriously hurt. Nobody was, of course, but still...

@aunt13 Oh, and it was during a Rock In Opposition reunion festival in Carmaux : http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/11/30/57/61/cap-de10.jpg... Great place! It used to be an open air coal mine. Now it looks like a meteor crater.
