Is this playlist safe for work?

side b: safehouse


|| I don't deserve you being okay with this ||

*annotations for each song
**if youtube does't play all the songs you can go on my profile page and click play on the playlist directly from there. It will stream normally


17 tracks
5 comments on side b: safehouse

@dystopii Hey sweetie! don't worry about it! I cherish each comment so thanks for leaving them. Also glad you enjoyed the songs and you found them fitting. they are like pieces of a puzzle to me when it comes to characters, so it's always nice to know that they made sense for someone

@dystopii Hey luv, I think there was another comment that you left and I didn't have the chance to answer, and now I don't know where it went. Anyway, if my memory serves me right, I think I wanted to tell you that what you said made perfect sense. Plus when I start making a playlist I pile up a lot of songs and then, as I start putting everything together I need to give up songs either because they are from a completely different mood or catch a different aspect than the main theme. So I do understand that. Cheers, sweetie!

@allegrettos Thank you so much for the comment, luv! I adore that song to no end as well. I knew from the start that it will be a bit out of the general mood of the entire playlist but I had to have it because it means the world to me when I think about the two.

@Sonata4OverdosedLover aaaa i understand that completely. sometimes there's just that song you *have* to get in no matter what!! but this playlist is gorgeous, i've already listened to it like three times oops. and thank you for introduced me to zoey van goey!! i'm absolutely in love with them. (and i followed you on tumblr)
