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My post 2016 election playlist I made on Nov 9th. These songs got me through the realization of loss, doubt and fear I experienced on this day after America's dreadful choice on Nov 8th. I hope this mix gives you some kind of spark, hope of rhythmic inspiration for the dark days ahead.

53 tracks
2 comments on ... i don't belong here

The despair I felt after election day in 2016 was so real. I've never felt so disconnected and ashamed of my country before. Also, as a Latina woman, I've never had legitimate fear like that before to even leave my house. Definitely opened my eyes on what's out there and what people are capable of. Now, two years later, I'm working on keeping that anger and shock I felt after the election alive and turning it into a way to fight back, rather than becoming numb to it all.
