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[liminal space] - The Natorium


It feels as though no one has been here in years, but the air still smells strongly of chlorine, the pool looks well-maintained, and its contents are warm, and still. You decide to soak your feet and relax for a while. As you sit down, you notice the floor is saturated with water formed in the shape of small footprints, and in that moment, you realize they're everywhere. You're not sure why, but you feel as though they belong to a friend you made here and never saw again. You can't remember anything about them or the time you spent here-- the sound of their voice and what games you played together are distant memories that have long since left you, and yet, you find yourself smiling. That day sure was a lot of fun.

12 tracks
1 comment on [liminal space] - The Natorium

indoor pools definitely give me the most liminal vibes and this mix perfectly compliments said vibes. i'm glad you're still making/posting mixes here.
