Mad Computer Scientist & Software Engineer here @ 8tracks! I get to make all the cool things here work, and even get to raise lil servers as minions of code.

Originally from a goat farm in New Hampshire >> Now living in Oakland/working in SF.

TOP TAGS indie, folk, Witches, witchcraft, rock

Member since Feb 2012


7 playlists

Updated October 21, 2016

"You're feminist if you go to a Jay Z and Beyoncé concert and you're not like, hmm, I feel like Beyoncé should get 23% less money than Jay Z...Also, I don't think Beyoncé should have the right to vote. And why is Beyoncé singing and dancing? Shouldn't she make Jay a steak?" - Aziz Ansari


0 playlists

Updated October 15, 2015

playlists featuring music.