482 comments on Exams are life ruiners. They ruin people's lives. by 123music456

I should thank you for any success I have during exams. This playlist really makes studying for exams almost fun. AND the title is so fetch.

I legitimately think that i have made a significant contribution to the amount of listens on this playlist - I play it every time I have work to do, thank you so much!

I can't even begin to explain how perfect this playlist is. I am in love with every single song. (I'm especially thankful for the inclusion of Death Cab and Justin Vernon) I've been studying for Midterms, and this playlist has helped me zone in on my work, and get down to business. Thank you so much for sharing!

just. thank you. this mix helps me so much to concentrate and pass through my overload schedule. it helps me to chill out and just do what I must do, one thing at the time :)

This mix is perfect for studying, but also perfect for everything else. You put together a beautiful mix of songs, many of which I know and love but had forgotten about. Thank you so much! xo

As I read the title of this playlist to my partner, he suggested that you add the following... "And relationships". Awesome playlist btw.
