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Fantasia (pure chillstep #22)


It has been a while since my last pure chillstep list.

This one contains melodic and instrumental songs with piano dominating the melody in most of them.

15 tracks
18 comments on Fantasia (pure chillstep #22) (View all)

Currently 6 hours into this quantum physics research paper (detach my jugular, please) and was letting 8 tracks aimless jump mix to mix as each one ended and another began. Listening to this mix however, immediately caught my attention. It's really great and you should absolutely keep up the awesome work!!! Thanks!

@anon-810485312 Really weird, the original track was probably removed from soundcloud, and 8tracks somehow replaced ti with the one above without even notify me. I fixed it now, and i'm really thankful to you for letting me know.
