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4 comments on I HATE YOU.

1. Sonata by Arcade Fire
2. Caterpillar Playground by Nurses
3. Robbers by Cold War Kids
4. Triplets by Bodies of Water
5. Id Engager by Of Montreal
6. Disco Heat by Calvin Harris
7. Fireworks by The Whitest Boy Alive
8. Love Lost by The Temper Trap
9. String Strikes by Styx Tyger
10. I'm On Fire by Electrelane
11. Silver Sands by Stereolab
12. Never Follow Suit by The Radio Dept.
13. Girlfriend by Phoenix
14. Poison by Husky Rescue
15. Heart It Races by Dr. Dog
16. Where I'm Going by Cut Copy
17. Here Sometimes by Blonde Redhead
18. Icarus by White Hinterland
19. California Shakedown by Pearl Harbor
20. Summer... It's Gone by Grandaddy
