Is this playlist safe for work?

Summer studying

2 comments on Summer studying

Umm lake titicaca is a straw island which would be submerged if it had anything heavier than a straw house built upon it so unfortunately a 13 floor flat is quite recalcitrant. and the water is quite clear as most inhabitants are able to swim in it....

Ellie I don't know if you heard Ed Sheeran's cover of 'Stay With Me' but it's definitely worth putting in a playlist in order to increase your 8tracks fame

maybe you should make a covers playlist and stick it on that and improve ur fame charliedgooch.
your mix front is lookin a little depressing.. :(

hahah yeh i tell her all the time to go 'socialize' but shes researchhing 8tracks playlists....
but yeh fingers crossed they go well. what are u predicted for ur fishy exams??

yep and im supposed to be revising but i keep getting emails from comment notifications so maybe move this conversation elsewhere??
