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Pretty People Never Lie...



Vain, excessive, egotistical, vitriolic...we all know these people and here are 11 tunes about them.

The title of this mix comes from my friend Bridget's tumblr site. Y'all should give it a visit cuz she kicks ass:


10 tracks
4 comments on Pretty People Never Lie...

i actually checked it out...haha, yeah its not necessarily my style, but taste is taste

oh and dont worry! - i didnt take it as a cheeky comment at all (I'm glad I know the root of where this title comes from now)

no worries, I didn't say it to be cheeky. I used to love that song but it doesn't seem to be your style, I kind of outgrew it.

actually, i didn't know that! (i'm guessing my friend did, though) I was just looking for an excuse to make such a playlist...thanks for the info

I'm guessing that you're aware that "Pretty People Never Lie, Vampires Never Die" is also the name of an I Am Ghost song.
