31 comments on ho-ho-holidays by ackalecki

i love the song so does my mother she said "now you are getting christmas" i said hell no lol sometime my mom is weired

Grandma got run over by a reindeer is just awsome. First time I heared it and just couldn`t help laufghing eventhough sitting at the office :)))

@sierrajager28-975 In this song, originally written in 1987 by The Pogues, an Irish band, "faggot" was used in the context of Liverpuidian and Irish slang reffering to a lazy person, and was not intended to be derrogatory towards homosexuals. Just a fun fact I suppose :]

wow wee i just love this! getting me into a super fantastic XMAS mood! Thanks guys and happy holidays to all! get under that mistletoe

great. this playlist does a more than excellent job getting me into the mood. the christmas mood of course. i enjoyed these tracks because they warmed my heart with so much christmas joy. do you know the story of jesus? jesus died on the cross for us, well his dad made him of course, but he did it purely out of the love in his heart. he died on the cross then rose again. he came back alive and went to a cave. he then was found and that is why we celebrate easter. i love easter almost as much as christmas but easter wouldn't have even happened without christmas ya see. this is why i love christmas. this is also why i like christmas music. i like to reenact how jesus was born, considering mary was a virgin. ya see virgin means that she shound't be allowed to have a baby because she hasn't gotten any sperm lodged into her. she is a very special lady. this is why i like christmas. i also like christmas because the music. the music makes me cheery. i like to sing christmas songs and it puts me in a good mood. everyone around me also likes it when i sing christmas music. thank you. happy holidays and happy birthday jesus.
