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to the flower of winter (pt. iv)


In the country that greets the sun first as it rises from the darkness of the world, a dying man dreamed of a sakura tree, large and overwhelming, blooming in the midst of a winter storm. Of course, that was all a dream.

(This follows chapter 20 - 24 of the fic. With this published, TTFOW is finally done. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening, thank you for following Sousuke's and Makoto's journey. The end could not have been reached without your support.)

9 tracks
1 comment on to the flower of winter (pt. iv)

your fanfic was the best fanfic I've ever read. it was so beautifully written, so full of emotions, I'll miss it. the playlists you've created match perfectly with the story. thank you for being so creative.
