14 comments on vision by althorein

i'm no autor like you guys, i'm a medical student and this playlist did ease my suffering x).. thank you so much for such beautiful music, a music touching the soul.. Euphony You AMAZING :D !

I've written 3 poems in a row. This makes me so happy, it's the perfect playlist and definitely one of my fav writing mixes :) Thank you !

@MusicIsTheWordsSoul AWESOME! i'm so glad to hear that you've been able to write poems to this. i hope it continues to inspire you! thank you for taking the time to leave a lovely comment. ^^

I absolutely adore this playlist! It is perfect for inspiration and there isn't any track that I don't like. Beautiful!

@berns_am wow. i really appreciate you taking the time to even leave such a wonderful comment! it's great to hear that someone else has been inspired by it. :')
