183 comments on Good Morning Sunshine by amironhz

I really cant even count how many times i have listen to this mix and really cant say that ill ever stop. Good Work.

they don't hate the jews.. sheesh man, supporting palestinians does not mean you hate jews!
that is a ridiculously simplistic thing to say.

Supporting the Palestinians doesn't mean that they hate the jews. Publishing video clip that shows the Isreali soldiers run over childrens with tanks, does. This is also ironic because the Israeli army is the most human army in the world. I can't tell you how many time the IDF could have kill a terrorist but didn't because he was (surprisingly) surrounded by civilians. These kind of actions (Publishing false video clip) are the cause of hate against Israel.

well, I included this song because its a great song that combines itself very good in this playlist and for the same reason cat stevens songs were added to my other playlists, i dont think tat coldplay HATES us jews but i do think they and every other artist shouldn't be expressing their opinions without knowing what really goes around here from close to the eye. a lot of artists decides not to preform in israel or cancel their shows and that shit only hit the fans. sad.

what more humane than say the new zealanders? aussies? brits? how about france? seriously, man - humane armies do NOT RUN OVER CHILDREN WITH TANKS...

ok... where does coldplay come into play... when have they ever published a video of isreali soldiers running over children with tanks...
im a huge fan of coldplay, ive seen every video, and im sure what you are describing does not exist

but do you realize that they did not partake in any of the recording of it? instead, they posted it to their facebook

and i guarantee 1 million % that coldplay does not "hate jews"
I can tell you right now that they have no opinion against jews. just because they support the ending of the israeli-palestinian conflict, doesnt mean they hate jews.
its awful people like you that spread rumors based off of something that has no evidence of the truth.

Dude, it's not rumors. Posting a very disturbing video that display the IDF as ruthless army is not supporting the end of israeli-palestine conflict. Listen, Coldplay was my favorite band. I have all of their albums in my computer and iPhone, I used to play all of their songs with their original chords book. Believe me that I won't just stop loving them if it was "just rumors". One more thing, try to find out why Coldplay canceled their show in Israel...

they are a ruthless army... not an uncommon trait amongst armies. What is unusual is someone trying to paint an army as some bastion of decency. give it up.

It's funny that someone like you that don't live in Israel and aren't close to the events as I do, make these kind of statements. The IDF can be ruthless toward terrorists not civilians.
