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Everything hurts, so let it.


Everything hurts right now. Between having to give up my favourite sport because I'm in too much physical pain to play, the unsolved mystery of my illness, my undiagnosed mental illnesses that I'm finding increasingly hard to deal with on my own, and the stress of school, I can't feel anything other than pain. I don't want to feel anymore. I really doubt anyone reads the descriptions on these playlists, but if you are, i'll tell you now that relapsing sucks. Being in pain 24/7 sucks. Feeling guilty over everything aforementioned also sucks, because it's not in my control.

not my image. credit to

11 tracks
4 comments on Everything hurts, so let it.

Stay strong! Mental illness sucks. School sucks. Physical pain sucks. It's not fair that some people have to deal with all of this when other people have to deal with none of it. While I can't say that I know what you're going through, first because I don't know you, and second because only you know what you're going through, I can say that I deal with mental illness too, and I am a student. The education system is weird and stressful and very messed up. It's so stressful, and it makes so many amazing people feel dumb. Everyone learns differently, and everyone learns at different paces. To create a standard of learning is to say that there's only one way to be successful, and that sucks. It's even more of an issue when we factor in mental illness, as it gets in the way of school, yet we are still held to the same expectations of someone without mental illness. Basically, it sucks, but we need to find ways to keep going, because it's the ones who have struggled and faced opposition that are the ones who recognize change needs to be made. Take things one moment at a time, but never forget to reach for your dreams.

i honestly get so much of what your saying in that description, I was just a hair away from my breaking point of sadness in the middle of November of this year.and besides that I've been rejected and lost 80% of my friends and the pain caused by my physical disease is very prominent in my sport sometimes and it's seriously been a struggle recently and i can't go to my parents because they ignore my pain most of the time and only respond if my doctor makes them. I really love this playlist and its help since I've started listening to it.

@Macey.Kinder This is honestly one of the best comments i've ever gotten :) It's so amazing to hear that this has helped someone in any way at all. Physical illness sucks, especially chronic pain. Mine is still a mystery and has gone undiagnosed for over 3 years. I've lost friends and honestly lost my mind because of it and I suffered a huge breakdown over the summer and again just at the beginning of the month. Im glad this playlist helps you and I hope you feel better :)

@Amy-Unedited @Amy-Unedited my pain is cause by a very rare bone condition and something else corresponding to it called encondromatosis and I'm still able to dance and everything, but it's very difficult at times; however, my disease went undiagnosed for a while too and i had all of my medical data sent to Germany because the only doctor that could figure it out lived there. I was 11 at the time I found out and since have gone through 1 hip surgery, 4 knee surgeries, and a broken fibula/tibia. PS: I love that you commented on here cause i love to know that's there are other people that go though similar pain on here and I hope you get better and your disease is diagnosed.

I could see the pain coming though in your music. Pain is pain, no matter what form it comes in. I have both but music and people who take the time to stop and listen is what helps me get though. Some people can't see the mountains we climb because they don't know the deeps we started.

@caslck This has to be one of the most meaning full comments i've ever received, and I thank you. Your comment was definitely something I needed to hear after I had a bad breakdown today, and I'm really glad that you enjoyed the playlist :) I agree with you most definitely, pain is pain no matter where it comes from, and I hope that you're doing well when it comes to coping.
