109 comments on Stay Calm and Study Hard by amy.wolanski

I love this! When I am tired I just turn this on and lay down to rest, but I never fall asleep because I want to keep listening.

This playlist has been my saviour when I've needed to get some work done in distracting situations. It's also great for when you're trying to do work under pressure or when you're just stressed because it calms you down enough to study properly. Thank you so much for making this mix, I love it!

i keep coming back to this mix. It's not too distracting, but beautiful enough so i can appreciate the music while studying. awesome job! :)

Can I just say, I every time I need to get any serious work done I know I can count on this playlist to help get the job done! Thanks for the curation!

it said stay calm, that actually made me feel better. the picture is literally my room right now. finals week sucks so thanks for the help amy ;)
