Is this playlist safe for work?


if anyone wants to see a remastered version of this playlist before 8tracks goes under, you can find one from me here. <3

→ "You're irresponsible, foolhardy, impulsive, and plenty of other synonyms. And I adore that about you."

a self indulgent gravery mix, ooh boy !
genres will probably be all over the place, i'm very sorry

12 tracks
5 comments on trashy metal

I first listened to this soundtrack a little over a year ago, playing it on repeat. At the time, I didn't have an 8track account, but I loved it (even by itself, but also for how perfect it is for the Gravery ship). I found myself thinking about it again, and I still absolutely love it. I created my 8tracks account literally minutes ago, with 90-95% of the reason being to like and let you know how awesome this is. :)

You know how every small fandom has that one perfect 8tracks playlist? This is that playlist. Seriously, good job on this! All the songs are very fitting for the characters and stayed on theme.

I love this playlist so much, it's purrfect for this rareship. (I just saw fbawtft though and all I can think of is THAT Graves. Oh boy)
