30 comments on That "Fresh-Out-of-Class" Feeling by annie-rae

I'm glad 8tracks doesn't keep track of the number of plays of each user or I'd be really embarassed. This must be my most played mix. Thank you so much for this selection. It's amazing!

Annie-rae, you might remember me from one of the comments on a few of your earlier mixes first pages, or from what I thought was SECRETLY and SILENTLY share-jocking you to everyone on the internets (but was in fact obvious to all eyes, though handsome the work), but regardless, its pretty crazy we were all bumping to this shit *trying* to wish for a future mix to get you like, 500 followers/favorites compared to now where the self-same has done blown up and haters have R-U-N-O-F-Ted.. Twelve Hundred favorites! Well, its deserved, but you seem to have slowed down the rate of production... just resting for more, or feeling played out?

Repek, alma incognito, et cetera,


this site really should have a list somewhere of the top mix makers, pretty damn sure your going to be on it, you are a prodigy, wow, where have your mixes been my life. They are like little mini soundtracks to moments of my life that I have forgotten. It has been a while since I had that fresh out of class title, even if you include the multiple years of college. But thanks for letting me remember earlier days. Great Job, really, you are to be commended!

I dared a buddy twenty bucks that he couldn't find a mistake in any random two of your mixes. He listened to both, both of us did in fact, and after shaking his head uselessly after a few minutes of contant competence/utter opposite of the tedious, but being a vain man opened his mouth to speak falsely.

It was then with little fanfare that twelve birds fell dead out of the clear blue sky.

Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to know that people are sharing these mixes with friends :D I will do my best to put up some new ones soon! Scout's honor ;)
