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you're nothing until the thrill of the kill becomes your only law


caught red-handed showing feelings of an almost human nature. this will not do.

a.k.a. franziska von karma has been left behind by her father and her brother and now it's up to her to define who she is and who she wants to be

10 tracks
1 comment on you're nothing until the thrill of the kill becomes your only law

@seisouso i'm sorry but probably never. i am in very bad place right now and have been for a very long time. logging into skype worsens that state. i am active hear because nothing calms me down more than making a fanmix and feeling like i have a goal to strive towards. i have also deleted my tumblr. like skype, logging in makes me feel absolutely awful. perhaps i will one day reach a place where i feel safe and happy to use those places again. at the moment, i feel it is unlikely that i ever will. i'm very sorry.

@aino minako :// i really wish there was something i could've done to help. im really sorry you are where you are :/. so basically we wont be able to talk again ?

@seisouso i'm sorry. but until i'm in a better place it might mean that. i hope we can talk again but i'm just not in a place where i'm able to do that right now
