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//before we wake


"What's your name?"
"Trust me, Fyodor." She held out her hand. "We've got to jump."
"But Mother and Father—"
"They're gone. Mine too. We haven't got time!"
Fyodor gazed up at her with luminous brown eyes, the right one flecked ever so slightly with green. He took her hand and grim resolution settled on his face. Around them, the failing train rumbled and groaned.
"Alright, Genie," he said. "Show me."

11 tracks
3 comments on //before we wake

This mix really takes us through the story. Superbly. Each song flows directly into the next one, as well as completely fitting each scene as described in your annotations. Love love love love.

Stunning on every front. This is a beautiful beginning to a story I can't wait for you to write. And the music is a great compliment to it,his mix really takes us through it. ❤️❤️❤️
