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Clouds In Your Head


The doctor's prescription: Take your favorite sedative-hypnotic medication and float into your mind.

10 shimmering ambient tracks from Boards of Canada, Patrick O'Hearn, Stellardrone and others.

Picture: "Clouded Judgement" by Rob Dobi.

10 tracks
4 comments on Clouds In Your Head

@storygirl Thanks! Boards of Canada always seems to end up in my mixes. There's 2 songs in the mix I just published! Their songs are brilliant in so many ways.. from being transcendent (The Campire Headphase), coldly ominous (Tomorrow's Harvest) or just plain trippy (Music Has The Right To Children and earlier stuff).

@ArlynFoma Listening to The Campfire Headphase for the first time changed how I experience music forever. They were my gateway drug into electronic music, and still my favorite. As a longtime sufferer of insomnia, BoC has kept me sane.
