18 comments on Complexity and Perplexity by ArlynFoma

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Here You explore musicians I fancy. Thank You for bringing the best of their works in front of me. And thank You for a newsletter by the way - that's how I came across Your collection, which starts to look... Anyway, effort appreciated. Cheers!

@ArlynFoma Oh yeah, both of the Orchestras are some of my steady replays for the last few years; they sneak into my mixes as well. I'll see about carving some time to put out another mix. It's springtime and lots of projects around the house taking up my time - I need a couple of days of heavy rain to keep me inside! ;^)

Dude, I have been straight bingeing off your playlists today. Studying for my final exams and your masterpieces have been keeping me going the whole time. Thanks man

@jiveclimber Thank you for listening to my mixes. I'll be checking some of yours when I get a chance. I took a peek at your facebook link and it looks like you're in medical school. I'm a physician who graduated awhile ago. Best of luck with your finals!
