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Everything You Wanted to Know About Goth But Were Afraid to Ask


These are just some of the 80's and 90's goth club regulars I grew up with. I loved sitting in the dark corners watching the never-boring girls and boys twirl away without a care, letting my mind drift to the songs as they told me all kinds of stories.

Out of all the playlists I've made, the hardest thing so far has been picking only one Cure song for this list.... or any list for that matter, so I did two, but still hard as hell!

28 tracks
1 comment on Everything You Wanted to Know About Goth But Were Afraid to Ask

This sounds like the clubs I used to go to in the 90s, and the sets my previous roommate used to spin. I never thought I'd find Skinny Puppy or Front 242 would lend themselves well to nostalgia, but there you go. Thanks for putting this together!
