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High School College After College (electronic/hip hop/rock/punk)13

16 comments on High School College After College (electronic/hip hop/rock/punk)13 (View all)

i'm in high school now and i hope i feel nostalgic about boards of canada when i'm whatever yall's age is...i know i will...i feel nostalgia when i listen to it now...

umm... your mixes are for those about to... read... comments!!! and yes, strange things are going on here: we all aren't getting younger, it seems to me... though @tohellwith perhaps keeps on going out still while I prefer to stay here a bit longer, not only because of the opener, but also because of the following track (you're damn right, Marc!)...

@tohellwith: yeah original bedroom rockers is so nostalgic for me... brings me way back. and yes, contest still stands. i took it down b/c i figured whoever was interested read the rules and regs already and since Btrxz already got a piece of it, i was trying to keep responses to a minimum. honestly, i didn't think anyone would respond and i thought i'd be keeping that up there for at least a year! i was only counting on giving 3-4 prizes (one for each track that repeats and a fourth super prize for anyone who find another repeat that i missed... i feel like there may be a fourth but maybe not). so yes, contest is still on-going for those in the know :) are you close to finding an answer? and yes, tricky!! it seemed to just fall into place that tricky should follow that first track :) thank you so much for the compliments!!
