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Sleeps With Angels (Nirvana-esque)13

12 comments on Sleeps With Angels (Nirvana-esque)13 (View all)

tee hee... your comment about cat_dentures... i think cat_dentures is just about the cutest thing ever!!! and thanks for the info on the painting... hope you enjoyed the mix...

ooo, excited about this one and showing my age too, I guess, having been in my 'prime' years at the time. I, too, was a grunged out/raver/goth... oh those were the days. (and just how young is cat dentures anyway? 12? :)

that image, besides being the cover of DDN, is a beautiful painting by one of the most amazing painters of our era, Gerhard Richter. I've been lucky enough to see it in person. :) ok, now on with the mix...

@cat_dentures: oh my god... i'm bringing up that video now... i can hardly watch it... i know it's gonna make me so sad :( thank you for sharing that though! i don't think i've seen this before...

@Btrxz: i have to admit, i wasn't into nirvana since nevermind or bleach. i was all grunged out around the time just before he died. but i was definitely hardcore into him at the time. i was sad not to have enjoyed their music more while he was alive. i was gonna put a timeline on it but somewhere between 94 and on i was grunged out/raver/goth... who knows...good music is good music no matter what, right? AND yes, the pic is from Daydream Nation! good eye!
