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*ritalin-free KiDs ✐ ✐ ✐


Interval training for the brain. Go hard and chill moments to prevent the mind from wandering or losing momentum. Endless library tracks to keep you going like ritalin.

Klangkarussell. Kaytranada. Flume. Chet Farker. MK. & More.

36 tracks
9 comments on *ritalin-free KiDs ✐ ✐ ✐ (View all)

the playlist was too long! ill be making that into a second one right now haha I'm dividing it up! you're too cute xoxo

same. but sometimes i'm in the mood for a different electro feel. so i divided the basement trap into the other playlist. during the day i like ritalin free kids because its more upbeat and at night i like the pinky and the brain one because its grungier and trancey and suits my night mood more. get those studies did girl :)
