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smile inducing, soul cleansing and mellowed out greatness


Eighteen tracks including music by Blur, Bob Marley and The Beatles.

i made this to put a smile on my face, dance around and feel immune to sadness in the world.

i hope you love the songs you expect to be on here as well as the hidden gems.

13 tracks
9 comments on smile inducing, soul cleansing and mellowed out greatness (View all)

my 2 favorites are "in the dark" and "sisters." their pretty hard to find though, their underground as hell... look em up on itunes.. or wait a week-ish until I make a mix with them in it. Ill let you know if i do.

I just.... i love your mixes. I dont think there has beena song you've posted that i havent loved. PLEASE keep making mixes!
