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9 comments on EthnoJazz (View all)

zorzynek, i'm not logged in as myself (avivamagnolia), but as jazzaviva (my twitter persona)... You're right to question the Stanko addition. In fact, I'm not even sure what "ethnojazz" means... Does it mean jazz informed by "ethnic" (folkloric, tradition, cultural) music? Does it mean jazz by people not of one's own ethnicity? What the heck does "ethnic" really mean? That's hard enough to define, without then having to define "ethnic jazz." Anyway, I guess I was simply in a rush to label this mix, which is only vaguely informed by multicultural sensibilities. In fact, cavilin said it right; this mix is more informed by lots of good double-bass colorations and instrumentation. Anyway, damned good question, zorzynek!
