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a mix for everyone who looks up at the stars, wishing we had the knowledge that someone was staring back

perhaps if there are enough of us, someday, we will

15 tracks
3 comments on ad astra per aspera

I love this playlist sm especially your recording of from the old scholar to his pupil it's so well done and just left me laying there in awe

THIS IS SO GOOD. The Sagan quote killed me??? It's so good??? This mix??? is so important??? I love everything about this but Everyman and Somebody Will are just so especially Good and Important like??? being part of progress and the path to the future you may not see? and like?? the whole idea of science and progress as being a way to be part of something bigger and more lasting than yourself??? I have a lot of feelings?? This is just??? Such a good??? And I love all of the symphony of science and your recording of From the Old Astronomer to his Pupil works so well??? thank you for this mix is what I'm trying to say here ahhhh.

the end quote is kind of abrupt in its ending, so i would have ended it with we are stardust or another hopeful and minorly bittersweet song, but!!! okay i'm biased i cry whenever i hear somebody will or we are stardust which. makes two of my favourite cosplay playlists very difficult to listen to
