21 comments on -- For you by Beekindandpeaceful

Okay so I know that this is my second time commenting on this, but I find myself coming back to this playlist ALL THE TIME. Definitely an all-time personal favorite of mine XD Thank you so much for this!!!

@JustSadAgain Yes, of course! And Thank you, am happy to hear this! :D
1. Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 (Frederic Chopin)
2. Last Carnival (Acoustic Cafe)
-- Original by Norihiro Tsuru
3. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Samuele Rossini)
-- Original by Ryuichi Sakamoto
4. Symphony No.3 F Major, Op.90 Iii. Poco Allegretto (Johannes Brahms)
5. Dearly Beloved Theme (Kingdom Hearts)
-- Original by Yoko Shimomura
6. Gladiator: Honor Him (Soundtrack & Theme Orchestra)
-- Original by Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard
7. Ronds De Jambe En L'air 3/4: Waltz for Peppy from "The Artist" (Margot Kazimirska)
-- Original by Ludovic Bource
8. The Princess Diaries Waltz (John Debney)
9. Howl's Moving Castle Theme (Anime Kei)
-- Original by Joe Hisaishi and Youmi Kimura
10. Pride and Prejudice: Dawn (Andrew Lapp)
-- Original by Dario Marianelli
11. To Dust (Helen Jane Long)
12. Amelie: Comptine d'un autre été (L'après-midi)
-- Original by Yann Tiersen
13. Adagdio Sostenuto (Superprism)
-- Original is Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
14. Song for Sienna (Brian Crain)
15. Pan's Labyrinth Theme (Dominik Hauser)
-- Original by Javier Navarrete
16. Una Mattina (Martin Jacoby, Ludovico Einaudi)
-- Original is by Ludovico Einaudi
17. Smile (Charles Chaplin, Tatsuya Hayashi, Yayoi Toda)
-- Original by Nat King Cole and is non-instrumental
18. River Flows in You (Chris Snelling)
-- Original by Yiruma
19. Divenire (Ludovico Einaudi)
20. Where Is My Mind (Maxence Cyrin)
-- Original by Pixies and is non-instrumental
21. Judgment Day (Dark Model)

Lol nahhh I was saying it was so good I like almost cried, & I kinda like judgement day since I was doing hw & nodding off, but it woke me tf up

@333valynn Oh, haha, I see! Hmm, I'll just move it to the end of the playlist, or something, then. I wanted so bad to include Judgement Day in my first instrumental playlist, but it was too loud/different (if that makes any sense). And I saw my chance here. :o

@333valynn Oh, sorry about that! Perhaps I should consider taking off Judgment day, since it disrupts the 'tone' (-- can't think of the word) of the playlist. I do have another playlist (titled ☋), which I made sure had an even tone (aaam just going with 'tone'), if you want to check it out. :)
