53 comments on Focus Guaranteed Take 8: The Worry Vanquisher by betsyrae

just solved an issue in an app I'm developing listening to this. Thanks so very very much. Your awesome abounds.

omg this playlist is like the best thing in the world! I'm so chill and calm listening to this, and it's just ltetting me get past my worries and letting me write out what I need to.

basically the only thing that got me through writing my ten page research paper sane and intact. thanks so so so much!

your "Focus Guaranteed" playlists remain my absolue favorite study playlists in the whole history of study playlists! keep up the fabulous work; i know i'm not the only one who appreciates it! thank you so much!

:) I am so glad that they are helpful. Thanks so much for listening! As long as people will listen, I will keep making them, I love making them!

I will keep listening for the rest of my life :) They are literally the only thing I listen to when I study because the tracks are just so perfect! Thanks for helping stressed studiers (is it possible to not be stressed while in school? haha) everywhere! Keep up the fabulous work!

It's funny I have been using 8tracks for a lonnnnggg time, but I realized that 95% of the mixes I listen to are yours lol. Thanks!

This is my favorite mix yet. I commend you for taking the time to assemble these genial pieces for our listening pleasure. Thank you sincerely!
