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This is the third playlist of music for my Johnlock AU Napoleonic-era nautical fic, Over Fathoms Deep (, in which Sherlock is an aristocrat's son shipped off to sea where he falls in love with the strapping young sailor, John Watson.

Fiddle music, sea shanties, and angsty ballads about the sea galore (with a few contemporary tracks thrown in for good measure)!

36 tracks
3 comments on Sailor!lock Playlist 3

Thank you so much for leaving this comment!! So pleased to hear you enjoy the fic, and that you also love the music! I know I'm doing something right if you were already listening to a bunch of these while reading (!!!). And thank you too SO MUCH for the recommendations! Some of the names you mentioned I know (love Natalie Haas and Alasdair Fraser!) but most are new to me, so I can't wait to check them out! I am here for your folk music recs anytime! :)

I love so many of these, and it's so weird because loads of the folk tunes were pieces I was listening to as I read it, even before I looked at this playlist. I'd love to recommend that you listen to Aly Bain (the slower ballads at least), Capercaillie, Blazin' Fiddles, Celtic Fiddle Festival, more Alasdair Fraser (especially his stuff with Natalie Haas - sister of Crooked Still's fiddle player), Danish String Quartet's folksy stuff and I'll stop there, otherwise I will run out of room. Hope that's okay. Thank you for the pieces I hadn't previously heard, and for writing such a freaking glorious fic. Not to be dull, but as someone who is annoyingly having to spend lots of time in yucky hospitals at the moment, it's such a fantastic escape. Your writing is incredible and I'm in love with your J & S. All the best! X

I ended up buying all the songs on your playlist #2, and something tells me I'm going to end up doing the same with this one. XD These are lovely, and go so well with the story.

@SherrinfordH Ahhh, that makes me so happy to hear!! I'm SO glad you're enjoying these!!! and thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment to tell me so!
