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Ambient Sensual Earthy Bellydance 04

2 comments on Ambient Sensual Earthy Bellydance 04

I stumbled onto this site and I love the music I hear. I would like to learn how to upload playlists but it will have to be a wintertime project. I need to archive the music I have on CDs first. Everything is in boxes and I have a new ASUS computer with Windows 8.1 and have yet to find an easy way or even a music program to create a simple play list on the blasted thing. It has made me so frustrated. I miss the old Microsoft Music Maker program. And yes, I will take you up on that offer in a few months.

@bdancer202 It's easy. You just upload 8 or more MP3 audio files, tag it with about 3 tags, give it a title and a description, and upload a graphic that is at least 500x500 pixels at about 72 DPI (or you could use an image from your Instagram account if you want, or from a Google+ profile pic which ought to be large enough), then save and publish it. That's it. :)

Amazing music set! You really know how to line these things up. Thank you for introducing me to Wychazel! Gotta get this. Listening to your sets at work makes my day. I do have a lot of Bassil and Solace though there are pieces I still need to get. Needed this music. Off to Amazon again!

@bdancer202 Thank you. *hugs* I'm kinda all over the place lately... I'm surprised that all my mixes aren't all just techno. But, apparently I like lots of things. Originally, I liked more fast, upbeat, and melodic, and even when I took up dance I was still that way.... but, living in Asia, learning yoga, and tribal fusion sorta snuck in the slow stuff, plus I'm getting older... When it comes to slow, there's a certain mood, feeling, emotion, or state of being I kinda go for. So, if it feels good to me, I end up putting it in a mix. I wish I had some DJ equipment, because I'd love to do mixes that way also. Wychazel was one of those accidental finds on YouTube. I always like to find unknown, rare, underground, indie, or unusual stuff all over the globe lurking on the internet. It's also how I found "Moroccan Spirit" which became my obsession for 2012 when I worked in a bank. That's kinda how I stumbled into Wychazel, because I liked that album. And, when I was all into Wychazel, I found Karunesh accidentally on Amazon. It just sort of happens. Thanx for listening, and glad you enjoyed it. :)

@bdancer202 Do you follow my music page on FB "Tribal Mix Pass"? I know it's tribal Fest now, so I'll probably be sharing some videos I hunt down n find online there soon.

@BlackUniGryphon I loved Moroccan Spirit also. As as aside, there is a CD that was given to me as a gift by Younes Lahlou. It is called 'Vision of Dreams' by UnS. I use the first piece as a double veil routine. It is a a mix of electronic and Moroccan rhythms and very enjoyable to dance to or a heady CD to drive home in the dark of the night. It needs more exposure to the dance community. Try it! Annie

@bdancer202 Oooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm totally gonna go get that now! Thanx! Say, if u wanna post ur videos to my FB page, u're welcome to do so anytime. :) "Tribal Mix Pass"

@bdancer202 Maybe u should try doing some mixes too. If u need help with graphics, that's not a problem. I'll help ya pro bono. ;) If u see anything u wanna borrow on my Flickr gallery (BlackUniGryphon) just ask. ^_^ I might have some of my art in my DeviantArt Gallery also, maybe u might like to borrow (BlackUniGryphon). Find me on twitter: @BlackUniGryphon if ya got a question, or Tumblr (BlackUniGryphon), or Instagram @BlackUniGryphon. I'm everywhere...
