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Bits, chunks, movements, one-offs, and fragments from the classical orchestral tradition. Some obscure and unusual; others famed and celebrated; still others in between. No historical chronology has been attempted, and stylistic unities are incidental or accidental. I think I like it.

16 tracks
5 comments on Classical Chapters: Orchestral

Had a pleasant classical time with your mix. You surprised me as always :) Liked your beautiful recordings from Rachmaninov and Haydn.
Glad you introduced me to the composer Heraclius Djabadary. It was a pleasure to listen to him with Henri Goraieb on piano - I had forgotten him - conducted by the great Louis de Froment. Trully a great collection in your personnal library!♫
Merci pour ce beau partage musical.✫★✩

I like to be surprised -- and surprise myself -- in musical matters. This was the only disc I have by Djabadary, purchased on a whim and because it was inexpensive. Thanks you listening.

love this mix! so accurate beginning with Neeme Järvi tells what tone you have chosen. and then gloomy, pensive The Isle of The Dead... unusual, but still powerful collection! thanks.

I tried to lighten up a bit as the mix went on, but it does seem that most 19th-20th classics are terribly solemn; or at least that my collection is terribly solemn. I'll have to try a mix of more cheery classics without crossing the line to "light classical" or maybe just crossing the line anyway. Thanks for listening.
