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Progression Transgressives: Oldies But Oddies


Sixteen tracks including music by Cassiber, Julverne, and L'Ensemble Rayé. Is progressive now retro? Avant-garde derriere? New music old new music? I don't know. (First person to say, "Well, it's really all the same, isn't it?" gets fifty points deducted.)

16 tracks
4 comments on Progression Transgressives: Oldies But Oddies

What a thoroughly enjoyable mix! I'm just discovering "avant-garde" and this a really good way to introduce me to some new bands. Julverne specially caught my attention.

Had a special good time with your mix and all its surprises with so much musicians new to me. Recommend it to all the curious minds on 8tracks. Merci !

These are obscure (sometimes extremely obscure) offshoots of the 1970s "progressive rock" movement. Of course, despite the fact that "prog" was much-maligned in the U.S., it continued to be a world-wide movement. So I started buying my music from importers and specialist labels. This same approach worked well with jazz during dry spells, too. I'm a curious mind, by the way! Thanks for listening.

I follow you especially for your caracteristical curiosity and open-mind :) I usually not listen to rock but was pretty sure to have surprises here and to like your selection. Thank you for this beautiful introduction to the progressive rock movement.

I think calling most of this music rock is to use the word very loosely, but "experimental" is not much more helpful (and it would sell even fewer records.) I'll do another "progressive rock" mix soon. It is probably many small movements rather than one distinctive movement. Thank you for the kind words. I like the breadth and knowledge and love of music in your mixes, too.

I could have sworn there were originally 22 tracks here... or... am I losing my mind (again)? Anyway...


●►Albert Marcoeur ~ Appalderi
●►Lars Hollmer ~ Optimistibeat
●►News from Babel ~ Dry Leaf
●►Efrem Cymbalist, Jr. ~ Rascal Reporters
●►Julverne ~ Franklin Prend Son Thé Chaud
●►L'Ensemble Rayé ~ L'envol du pingoiun
●►ZNR ~ Garden Party
●►Tuxedomoon ~ Fifth Column

Neither? I may be wrong, but I don't think that "quantification delusions" are symptomatic of any known psychoneurological disorder. Forgetfulness and crossed wires are quite normal, however. I hope.
